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Amazing Frog? it is a hardcore Parkour OpenWorld buffet of bonkers gameplay physics sandbox.
Welcome to the city of Swindon, United Kingdom. Home to flatulant super hero, amazing Frog?
The Hideout
Start in hideout, play on your own or split screen with your friends
Type in Swindon where you can drive cars, buses and scooters to mobility, jump on trampolines, fire-cannons, blasts, search trophies, and Tvs, and to reach the heights and much more. Its your Future do what you want.
Swindon local Attractions
Make a peaceful trip to Swindon Fart Gallery, if you like .... Feeling aggressive? find a crossbow, machine gun or laser and shoot the hell out of you. Visit the Fart Gyms for a workout or discover the underground sewers Zombie full.
Amazing Frog? v0.2.8 | FREE DOWNLOAD |
Let's Play The Amazing Frog | (Blitz)
Have a good time! If you like the game, please support the developers by buying the game.
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